Monday, April 19, 2010

Pinewood Derby!

This weekend we had our ward annual pinewood derby. Milton wanted me to do a car also. So I designed it and he cut it out for me and a bunch of other stuff. In the end he really did the most work on it. Then he made his own car. It was a fun activity. Milton won the trophy for the fastest car. My car lost honorably!!! (hehe) By looking at it you can see why, It was not really very arrow dynamic. But fun was had by all!!

Spring break

I am not very good at this blogging stuff, but here is a update. For our spring break we went and visited my newly wedded sister Kelly and her husband Daniel in Bremerton. We went up Thursday and came home on Sunday. We had a lot of fun adventure, good food & good company. While we were there we went to Squim Washington to a really fun animal preserve. The kids thought it was great. Bremerton has a navel base there so there are aircraft carriers (they are unbelievably huge) we were able to tour the USS Turner Joy, a battle ship from the Vietnam war. It was really fun to visit that. We also visited a submarine Museum. We ended up getting there and realized we forgot the camera so our pictures are from our phone cameras.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

It has been a while.

So it has been a while since my last blog. Not much has happened in our family, just life. We had a fun Halloween. Jared was peter pan, Seth, Coy and Trevor were lost boys and Lydia was Tinkerbell. By way of information Seth will be baptized on December 5. I am still unsure of the time but will let you know when I do. I can hardly believe that he will be 8 yrs old. How time flies! Milton has been working in town lately. Which I love, it is great to have more time with him at home. In October our little Coy turned 6yrs old. He is such a joy to have in our family. We also now are the owners of a cute little Shar pei puppy named Sara, Lydia loves her. So here are some pictures of our Halloween. Hope you enjoy!!!

The kids carved their own pumpkins and we used them as decoration for our trunk- or- treat
Milton helped with the Halloween carnival.

Aunt Bri and Lydia
Sorry about the random child in the picture. I don't know who she is. Jared
All the kids!
Sara and Lydia

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Father and Sons Campout!

On Friday evening all my men folk went to a fathers and sons outing at Lewis and Clark State Park. Milton invited dad Crowther to join them. He was really happy that he got to fill both rolls as father and son. They had a good time. They even picked wild flowers for their mommy. I'm glad that they thought of me. This is the first year that I have not been left all alone. This year I got to spend time with my own little daughter. It was nice. We went and got dinner together I had mexican food she had chicken nuggets. About 9:00 I got really bored missing my boys so it was nice when they came home. I am glad they got to go. Thanks to Dad Crowther for taking the picture in my all day prep to get them gone I forgot to pack the camera.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

100% Attendance

At the beginning of this year both Jared and Seth set a goal to have 100% attendance at school. I am so pleased with them and their determination. There were a few times during the course of the year where it really would have been convenient to skip the last hour or two of school for some trips we made or other kinds of things we were involved in but as a family we wanted to support them. They both accomplished this goal and had a fantastic year of learning and growth. Yesterday they got to be acknowledged in an assembly and received a certificate and a Walkman (I didn't even know they had them any more). They were rightfully excited by that. So now we are looking forward to a fun and exciting summer. I love having my kids at home with me and look forward to the freedom of not being on the schools schedule. Sadly enough it will all go to quickly and then I will eventually send three kids off to school in the up coming school year. They grow so quickly.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Funny Moments!!!

I had one of "those" moments last night. We were having some wild weather with thunder, lightening and wind. Anyone with kids knows that the weather can change a child's personality. Well Coy was all wound up and running all over the house whooping and hollering. As he was running is foot caught on the carpet and he smashed his little head into the wooded window seal. So I was hugging and kissing and inspecting my little boy and I told him if he started to feel funny at all to let me know. As we were face to face, him with tears streaming down his face he looked into my eyes and asked "Mommy, am I going to have brain damage now." I could hardly console him with a strait face. I love moments like this. When these sweet little children give us surprise we were not expecting.