Friday, June 5, 2009

Funny Moments!!!

I had one of "those" moments last night. We were having some wild weather with thunder, lightening and wind. Anyone with kids knows that the weather can change a child's personality. Well Coy was all wound up and running all over the house whooping and hollering. As he was running is foot caught on the carpet and he smashed his little head into the wooded window seal. So I was hugging and kissing and inspecting my little boy and I told him if he started to feel funny at all to let me know. As we were face to face, him with tears streaming down his face he looked into my eyes and asked "Mommy, am I going to have brain damage now." I could hardly console him with a strait face. I love moments like this. When these sweet little children give us surprise we were not expecting.


Mary said...

I used to always say, "no blood, no bandaid". I hope he's ok.

Milton and Christen Crowther and Family said...

He was fine, just jiggled his marbles a bit.

JK said...

Our kids were going crazy too! We went to Grandma Penney's and they would not stop running and sqealing etc. etc. I'm so glad you knew the explanation-the weather! Crazy how much the environment really does effect us even if we don't always put our finger on it. -Kari

The Four J's said...

silly Coy!!! I'm glad he's okay!